The human body is quite complex, and more so is the sexual health system. The majority of folks only know the basics about the male reproductive system but it’s very important to change that. Sexual dysfunction is quite normal and if you are aware of your body, you can detect the signs early and tackle the problem with ease. Additionally, it also helps you get in touch with yourself to maximise pleasure.
What does normal male sexual function look like?
Normal sexual function is a complicated interplay of the mind and the body. The mind interacts with the neurological, circulatory, and endocrine systems to cause sexual arousal.
Desire: It is referred to as libido, and could be triggered by thoughts, smell, touch, or sight. Desire triggers the very first stage of the sexual response cycle known as excitement.
Excitement: The next step is excitement or sexual desire. During excitation, the brain transmits nerve impulses to the penis via the spinal cord. In response, the arteries which give blood to the erectile tissues, widen. The enlarged arteries substantially increase blood flow to these regions, which causes them to swell up and become plumped up with blood. This growth places strain on the veins that typically drain blood from the penis, compressing them and delaying the blood flow, which raises blood pressure inside the penis. The increased pressure in the penis causes an erection. All around the body, muscular tension rises as well.
Plateau Stage: The excitement is heightened in this stage.
Orgasm: This stage marks the climax of sexual excitement. It is marked by an increase in muscle tension throughout the body. Additionally, the pelvic muscles contract and the stage is followed by ejaculation.
Ejaculation: Nerves trigger muscular contractions in the male reproductive organs and semen is forced into the urethra by these contractions. The muscles around the urethra contract, pushing the semen out of the penis even further. Additionally, the bladder's neck tightens, obstructing the passage of semen backwards into the bladder.
Ejaculation and orgasm are independent occurrences even though they frequently happen almost simultaneously. Ejaculation can occasionally happen without orgasm. Additionally, orgasm can happen without ejaculation, especially before puberty, as a side effect of some medications (such as antidepressants), or following surgery (such as removal of the colon or prostate gland).
Resolution Stage: In this stage, the body returns to its unaroused state. After an orgasm, there is a time interval (refractory phase) during which an erection cannot be achieved. In younger men, this period is frequently under 20 minutes, but it can last up to an hour in older men.
Common Sexual Dysfunctions among males
Premature Ejaculation: This occurs when penis owners ejaculate before they would like during sexual activity. It is commonly referred to as premature climax.

Erectile Dysfunction: One of the most frequent conditions, it is characterised by difficulty in achieving and sustaining an erection that is hard enough for sexual intercourse.
Retrograde Ejaculation: It’s a condition where the semen goes backwards into the bladder during ejaculation instead of going out of the penis.
How to keep your penis healthy?
There are several preventative measures you can take to keep your penis healthy. Here are a few easy tips for you to follow:
- Sustaining good health by following a balanced diet, getting regular exercise, and controlling your stress
- Attaining and preserving a healthy weight
- Avoiding alcohol, drugs, and tobacco
- Maintaining control of any existing health conditions
- Speaking with a medical practitioner about any potential drug-related sexual dysfunction
How to deal with sexual dysfunction?
Sexual health is still a hush-hush topic for many individuals, and sometimes you may feel like you are suffering alone. However, know that it’s not the case and sexual dysfunction is more common than you can imagine.
When you begin to experience symptoms of sexual dysfunction, it is vital to get in touch with a doctor to manage and treat it earliest. The underlying cause could be psychological or physical. In the case of psychological basis, therapy can work wonders in helping you deal with the problem effectively.
Everybody is unique and requires special care. For some, lifestyle change could do the trick whereas, for others, medication or a combination of medication and therapy might be required to treat the problem. Hence, a consultation is crucial for understanding the different options available.
You don’t have to feel alone in this journey cause we’ve got your back. Join our community: CancelStigma to connect with like-minded folks who’ve gone through similar pain points and are here to cheer and support you through the highs and lows.
How to help your partner with their sexual health system?
Men’s sexual health concerns are not limited to themselves and can affect their partners too. They could be reluctant to speak about the condition fearing embarrassment or the thought of not being “manly” enough. This could be overwhelming for them but a supportive partner can make the journey a lot easier. The following are some tried-and-tested suggestions to help your partner with their sexual health system.
Talk it out (at the right time!): The basis of a lasting relationship is effective communication. Discuss your emotions with your partner and let him know that you care about him to allay any worries you may have about his inability to achieve or sustain an erection. Even though discussing sexual issues might be tough, the challenge increases if the issue is buried beneath years of deception. It's usually preferable to discuss the problems when both of you are not in a vulnerable situation.
Remind them they’re enough and you love them: Increase the number of intimate expressions you can use. Even without an erection, making love can be pleasant. Explore numerous ways to be intimate in the bedroom, such as foreplay and exploring each other's body, and cultivate a loving and delicate atmosphere.
Offer to go with them to the doctor’s appointment: Working together increases a couple's chances of receiving effective treatment. On the other hand, be considerate of your partner's privacy if he wants to visit his doctor alone. There are plenty of other ways you can help your partner get better.
It can be quite daunting to visit the clinic in person, often stemming from the thought of running into a familiar face. However, we’ve got you covered here. Rocket Health offers online sexual health consultations from the comfort of your home. Talk to our doctors about the issues you are facing without any judgement, and also get your medicines delivered discreetly! Click on the button below to schedule an online consultation with our specialist.