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May 23, 2024


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Finding Serenity: Gift Ideas to Ease Anxiety and Soothe Stress

Discover thoughtful gift ideas to ease anxiety and soothe stress. From essential oils to weighted blankets, find the perfect gift to promote relaxation and mental well-being.



Everybody has at least one buddy, if not several, whose anxiety levels are slightly higher than usual. These are the friends who are always thinking about the "what if," frequently assume the worst, and are usually anxious most of the time. In all honesty, we may even be that buddy.

 All it takes these days is to look over on social media and there is news that could make some of us feel anxious or stressed. However, how wonderful would it be to be able to offer yourself or your friend the gift of relaxation? Evidence-based therapies such as counselling and medication are always a fantastic option for people with anxiety disorders, but it also doesn't hurt to add in some useful tools and lifestyle modifications.  

Gift Ideas For Ideas For Stress And Anxiety

Acts Of Service

Individuals struggling with anxiety and stress usually find it difficult to do simple chores or tasks, such as offering grocery delivery, walking their pet, cleaning their place, taking them out for a movie. Such helpful gifts can go a long way to helping someone feel lighter and better.

Sensory/Anxiety Rings

There are different names for these rings, the spikey ones are rigid metal which can be twisted and rolled between fingers and worn as well. Children and adults generally tend to forget they are fidgeting while they are wearing. Since they are small, schools and colleges would not complain about having them. The aim of such rings is to activate the nerve endings and pressure points in the fingers, which in turn relaxes one. They are available on Amazon and they come in packs. There are specific fidget rings available as well, which also aid in calming anxiety and other challenges.

Essential Oils

Essential oils contain aromas and scent that activate certain areas of our brain that play a role in our emotions and memories, they in turn release the feel good hormones. There are various brands in India that are available in various price ranges, different aromas and scents. It also helps with improving quality of sleep, boosting mood and promoting feelings of calmness and relaxation.

Weighted Blanket

One’s body will feel relaxed when the weight of the blanket touches our body, adding pressure.  Weighted blankets have also been known to improve sleep quality along with maintaining sleep. The main idea is that it acts as soothing comfort of feeling embraced. This would be a wonderful gift idea for someone who are anxious or restless sleepers. Before a purchase, it is advised that you do some research on the fabrics, price, weight so that you can pick the best for your loved one.

Self Care Kit And Relaxation Playlist

Self care kits and relaxation playlist do need to be quite a bit of thought as they are mostly handpicked. A self care kit includes candles, essential oils, scrubs, gua sha, bath salts and yes, their favourite drink of choice. Along with a self care kit, a relaxation is a good combo. This playlist can include calming nature sounds - beach waves, rain etc, or instrumental music. Your friend or close family member could always use a relaxation playlist while having some self care time.

Affirmation And Mindfulness Cards

Affirmation and mindfulness cards intent to bring emotional equilibrium - inner peace and balance. One can either gift hand made ones or buy a few online. Individuals can put them on their desk for every new day. They come in different subtle colours, quotes and shapes that one can choose that best suit for their friend or close family member.

Sleep Masks And Heating Pads

Many individuals who are struggling with stress and anxiety have trouble sleeping. Sleeping masks allows one to have a well rested sleep if they tend to anxious sleepers, it relieves and calms them making it easier for them to fall asleep. There are different types of sleep masks - gel based, cloth, weighted and cushioned which can be found online. 

A lot of individuals experience tension in joints and neck, heating pads tends to bring about overall relief. There are choices of heating pads that one can research before buying - dry, moist and then there are some that add massage. A combination of of sleep masks and heating pads can help individuals with managing their stress and anxiety

5 Senses Gift Basket And Handwritten Note Of Appreciation

After a self care kit and relaxation playlist, this is the next DIY option. The 5 senses grounding technique is a common coping technique used by individuals who feel anxious often. In this DIY gift, you can pick objects or items that could be used in each sense - candles for smell, lotion for touch, a beautiful calming picture for sight, soothing music for hearing, flavoured mints for taste.

Handwritten notes can be shared everyday either in the morning, midday or before bed to let them know they are doing great and how important they mean to you. Notes of appreciation can elevate someone’s mood, helping them have a sense of gratitude.


Finding the perfect gift to ease anxiety and soothe stress can make a significant difference in someone's life. Thoughtful and practical gifts like essential oils, weighted blankets, or self-care kits show your loved ones that you care about their well-being. These gifts not only provide immediate comfort but also contribute to long-term relaxation and mental health.

At Rocket Health India, we offer online therapy services tailored to help manage stress and anxiety. Our experienced therapists provide culturally sensitive and personalized care to support you in achieving mental well-being. Visit Rocket Health India to learn more about how our online therapy services can help you or your loved ones find serenity and relaxation.


The best gifts for a loved one with depression, according to therapists. (2021, December 7). HuffPost. 

Mullings, L., & Wali, A. (2001). Social support and reproductive health. Stress and Resilience, 107-136. 

Which aromatherapy scents are best for relieving stress? (2009, February 22). Verywell Mind.