Last updated:

February 2, 2024


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Treatment Yoga Poses That Can Help Adult ADHD

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It is always crucial in life to take a moment to breathe, slow down your thoughts, and check your mental health. At times, the demands of work, school, or assisting others can absorb so much of your attention that you inadvertently neglect someone equally significant – yourself.

Self-care can be as basic as going for a run, eating a nutritious meal, or taking time to clear your mind. Individuals with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) often find themselves so engrossed in external concerns and helping others that they overlook self-care.Yoga differs from conventional physical exercise in that it involves individuals learning specific breathing techniques, postures, and cognitive control. It can enhance self-control, focus, body awareness, and handling stress.

Science behind Yoga 

Yoga can help regulate the generation of neurotransmitters in the nervous system and reduce stress levels from a biological aspect. This ancient practice mixes awareness of oneself with physical activity (exercise). Also, promoting a mind-body connection that many people with ADHD lack.

True, it seems a little "new-age," but millions of people would say that yoga is the only practice they know that aids with their ADHD. As per certain specialists, the capacity to concentrate and maintain focus arises from the suppression of distracting thoughts through a neurological process known as "neural inhibition." This involves reducing the levels of neurohormones like epinephrine, dopamine, and norepinephrine, which are associated with our "feel-good" sensations.

Yoga induces a sense of tranquility, and research examining the post-yoga experiences of adults consistently reveals that participants commonly characterize each other as being in a more joyful, satisfied, serene, and relaxed state of mind.

Yoga has also been revealed to boost lung capacity and oxygen levels by teaching students how to breathe deeply. Yoga gurus call this the "breath of life." Deep breathing techniques increase the amount of oxygen in the brain, which has a lot of perks. Also, helping with mental health.

Benefits of practicing Yoga for ADHD 

  • Less pent-up energy and impulsiveness.
  •  Improved levels of flexibility improve the connection between body, mind, and spirit.
  • Boost your strength and muscular mass.
  • Improved metabolism and digestion.
  • Relaxation and mental quieting.
  • Encourage empathy for others.
  • Stress and anxiety reduction improved the capacity of the lungs, energy level, and respiration.
  • Defends against illness.

While there is substantial evidence that yoga can significantly improve the symptoms of ADHD, studies also suggest that it can benefit illnesses such as insomnia, multiple sclerosis,, asthma, arthritis, depression, stroke and heart disease. This could be because yoga promotes physical, mental, and emotional well-being, as well as improved organ function.

Best Yoga poses for ADHD 

Certain asanas in yoga can help you focus more. These asanas may also help to lessen hyperactivity. These asanas may help you be more productive at work. However, it remains advised that you visit a doctor. These asanas may be beneficial in addition to the medication and diet given by your doctor.

Cobra pose 

  1. Lie face down on the ground.
  2. Put your hands up and move your upper body.
  3. The bottom of your body and palms should be contacting the ground at this stage.
  4. You are advised to gaze up at the sky.
  5. Stretch for 10-20 seconds, then repeat 4-5 times.

Cat-Cow pose

  1. Get down on the floor with your knees and hands (just like a four-legged animal).
  2. Raise your back to form a mountain-like formation.
  3. While doing so, keep your face inwards and your gaze on your own torso.
  4. Push your upper body inwards to form a 'U' shape with your back.
  5. While doing so, keep your gaze fixed on the ceiling.
  6. For one minute, repeat the mountain motion with the face inwards and the 'U' structure with the face upwards.
  7. Do not speed up; instead, switch positions gently and gradually.


Downward-facing dog

  1. Face the floor while lying flat on the ground.
  2. Lift your torso slowly and construct a mountain-like shape with your body.
  3. Your palms should be wider and stretching outwards (in relation to your shoulders).
  4. Your feet, on the other side of the hand, must be placed near to each other.
  5. At this point, the only portions of your body that should be touching the ground are your hands and feet.
  6. Your face should be turned inward and downward, at the exact same angle as your arms.
  7. Your body must create a triangle (the corners being the fingers, hips, and feet).
  8. Hold this position in place for a few seconds and repeat at least 10 times.


Tree Pose

  1. Hold a straight posture.
  2. Raise your arms and point them straight up at the ceiling.
  3. Lift one of your legs and place both of your feet on the opposite thigh.
  4. You can place the heel of your right foot on the side of your left knee or anyplace from there to the thigh.
  5. Your foot should ideally be as high up on your leg as possible.
  6. Hold this pose for 30 seconds and continue at least 4-5 times.

How to Get Help with ADHD? 

Are you feeling unsure on how to get help with ADHD? If taking medication is not the preferred way of treatment, you could try investing in therapy. It is a great idea to work with a professional who knows about adult ADHD. Rocket Health can be a great option for you. Our online platform can connect you to mental health professionals that help you in your journey with ADHD. Seeking the right help and support can make the process less difficult.


Gunaseelan, L., Vanama, M. S., Abdi, F., Qureshi, A., Siddiqua, A., & Hamid, M. a. B. (2021). Yoga for the management of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Cureus.

Martin, L. (2021c, September 30). Can yoga help people with ADHD?

Chou, C. C., & Huang, C. J. (2017). Effects of an 8-week yoga program on sustained attention and discrimination function in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. PeerJ, 5, e2883.