Last updated:

February 9, 2024


 min read

Treatment Plan for Combined Type ADHD for Adults

Discover a comprehensive treatment plan for adults with combined type ADHD, incorporating psychological education, psychotherapeutic interventions, lifestyle adjustments, medication, and support systems, tailored to individual needs.


Combined type attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is the most common of the three presentations of ADHD. The others are predominantly inattentive presentation and predominantly hyperactive-impulsive presentation. As the name suggests, people with combined type ADHD show both inattentive and hyperactive symptoms.

While the exact number of individuals with combined type ADHD is unknown, a small study suggests that over 70% of of adults with ADHD had combined type.

What to Expect from Someone with Combined-Type ADHD

People with combined-type ADHD are often impulsive and hyperactive. They might have difficulty reaching their full potential at school or work because their symptoms interfere with their ability to complete tasks. In some other cases, they have trouble making friends, although many kids with ADHD form meaningful friendships.

Children with ADHD are at increased risk for other conditions, including learning disorders, depression, anxiety, or behavioural problems. Because of that, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that all kids with ADHD be screened for additional conditions. Knowing all the conditions that a child is navigating can help you develop a treatment plan that will work for them.

As the name implies, combined type ADHD is when a person persistently presents with symptoms of both inattention and hyperactivity-impulsivity. A person’s behaviour may indicate this subtype if they meet sufficient criteria for both the inattentive and hyperactive-impulsive subtypes.

Treatment options

Adults with Combined Type Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) are often treated with a multimodal strategy that may include behavioural, psychological, and pharmaceutical therapies. It is crucial to note that the particular treatment plan may differ based on the individual's personal needs, preferences, and reaction to treatment. A basic treatment regimen for individuals with Combined Type ADHD is as follows:

Diagnosis and Evaluation

- Accurate diagnosis by a skilled mental health practitioner, usually a psychiatrist or clinical psychologist or clinical psychologist (associate). 

- A thorough evaluation is required to determine the degree of symptoms, concomitant conditions, and functional limitations.

Psychological education

- Information on ADHD and how it affects daily life, employment, and relationships.

- Recognizing the advantages and disadvantages of various treatment choices.

Psychotherapeutic Interventions

- Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) or Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) to address emotional regulation, time management, and organisational abilities.

- Coaching or counselling to assist in the development of adaptive coping mechanisms and the improvement of executive functioning.

Changes in Lifestyle

- Creating a well-organised atmosphere and a scheduled daily routine to reduce distractions.

- Exercise, a healthy diet, and enough sleep are all important for general well-being.

- Techniques for stress management to reduce anxiety and enhance attention.


- Consultation with a psychiatrist to examine potential drug advantages

- ADHD drugs can be stimulants (such as methylphenidate or amphetamine-based pharmaceuticals) or non-stimulants (such as atomoxetine, bupropion, guanfacine, or clonidine).

- Medication should be chosen based on individual requirements and concerns, and its administration should be properly overseen by a healthcare professional.

Support Systems

- In order to give social support, involving family members, friends, and significant others in the therapy process.

- Looking into support groups or ADHD-specific treatment to connect with people who are going through similar things. 

Organisation and time management

- Use of time management and task organising tools such as planners, digital calendars, and apps.

- Dividing projects into smaller, doable segments and setting deadline reminders.

Cognitive Strategies

- Becoming acquainted with approaches for increasing attention and focus, such as mindfulness or meditation.

- Reinforcing positive habits, using self-monitoring and self-reward systems.

Follow-up on a regular basis

- Meeting with a healthcare physician or psychotherapist on a regular basis to monitor progress and change the treatment plan as required.

- Keeping track of adverse effects and drug efficacy.

Self Advocacy

- Developing self-advocacy skills to explain one's requirements to employers, academicians, and other relevant parties.

- Requesting appropriate accommodations, if required. 

It's important to remember that therapy for Combined Type ADHD in adults is very customised, and what works for one person may not work for another. Collaboration between all the involved healthcare professionals can assist in tailoring the treatment plan to address particular symptoms and functional limitations. Furthermore, it is critical to have realistic expectations and acknowledge that treating ADHD is an ongoing process that may need continual modifications and assistance.


In conclusion, addressing combined type ADHD in adults requires a multifaceted approach, encompassing psychological education, psychotherapeutic interventions, lifestyle adjustments, medication when appropriate, and robust support systems. It's a tailored journey, unique to each individual's needs and responses.

For guidance tailored to your specific situation, consider reaching out to a relevant healthcare professional. At Rocket Health, we specialise in personalised ADHD care, offering support and expertise to help you navigate this journey effectively. Take the first step toward managing ADHD more effectively—connect with us today for personalised support and a comprehensive treatment plan.