Know what gets you on
For starters, everybody enjoys sex differently.
If you are not quite sure what turns you on, masturbation can help you learn about your sexual fantasies, desires, and boundaries. Exploring your sexual likes and dislikes by yourself will empower you to understand what pleasure means to you. If you’re looking for some ideas for self-lust, don’t shy away from erotic materials. While porn is not sex education, it can definitely provide some insight into what you might want to explore sexually.
A pretty cool aftereffect of self-exploration is being able to guide your partner during partnered sex and being okay to say no when you find your limits. Things get a lot easier if sex isn’t about making orgasms the destination; enjoying the journey is what counts!
True self love
Sex comes with a host of emotions, regardless of the nature of the encounter. Whether you’re in a long-term relationship(s) or having some casual fun, checking in with your emotions is a big part of staying sexually well.
Hundreds of attachment studies show that a safe emotional connection is the opposite of deadening, in or out of bed. Security increases risk-taking and spontaneity. A secure base allows us to play, learn, and explore each other’s bodies and minds. Thrilling sex is about being secure enough to surrender to the moment—to let go and see what happens.
Safe space, safe sex!
Discuss your expectations from sex beforehand to ensure both you and your partner enjoy the experience. This way, you don’t have any awkward miscommunication later. Plus, this also helps you set the scene in a sexy way.
Good partners ask for consent. Good partners give feedback to tell someone they’re “into it.” If a partner is turned off by your desire to affirm their consent or is unwilling to be engaged and enthusiastic, they might not be the right partner for you.
To prepare for the best sexual experience possible, you can bring a few goodies along. Condoms, lubricants, and cleansing wipes should be on your must-have list. Being safe, prepared, and clean keeps you sexually healthy and reduces anxiety.
Finding your birth control method

Different types of contraception work differently. For starters, here are the four birth control methods you should consider:
This method includes abstinence, outercourse, and fertility awareness.
A barrier method means that you or your partner(s) are using something before/during sex to block the sperm from fertilizing an egg. Some examples of barrier methods include external and internal condoms, and spermicide.
While condoms aren’t 100% effective, they are our best defence against STIs. Condoms reduce HIV transmission up to 85% when used correctly. Be sure you always have condoms and a good water-based lube for every sexual encounter.
The same goes for oral sex too. While contracting an STI is less likely with oral sex than it is with penetrative sex, it’s still important to use protection. You can get an STI from oral sex, which means a barrier method is required to protect you adequately.
Hormonal birth control methods need to be used on a regular basis. These include birth control pills, a shot (Depo-Provera), a ring, and a patch. The levels of hormones differ based on the contraceptive. They may thicken the mucus around the cervix, thin the lining of the uterus, or stop the ovaries from releasing eggs.
Intrauterine devices (IUDs) are another kind of hormonal birth control, although one form of IUD, the copper IUD, is nonhormonal.
Medical Procedures:
Surgical procedures like vasectomy and tubectomy also prevent you from fertilising or getting pregnant.
To learn more about your birth control needs and choose what is right for you, book a consultation with our team of doctors!
Getting tested is cool!
Before you have intercourse with a new partner, always get tested for STIs. And make sure that your partner is tested as well. If one of you find out that you have an STI after engaging in unprotected sex, seek medical treatment for it at the earliest in order to prevent sending it back and forth between you.
Some common STIs include herpes, chlamydia, gonorrhoea, and syphilis. The list goes on, really! And it is a long one, so do your research and learn how you might attract them and how to prevent them. If you end up getting one regardless, our doctors are always here to help you with the right treatment.